Thursday, April 25, 2013

Investing in Commodities and Precious Metals (And Other Things)

gold and silver
Investing can really be seen as an art form. Whether you’re investing in precious metals or you’re trying to play the mutual funds game, or even if you want to buy and sell stocks – investing really has an art to it. You have to see and learn and know things the other guys don’t. You have to be able to predict trends. And sometimes you even just have to get lucky.

There’s no point in trying to invest if you can’t really dedicate some time into researching your targets. You have to actually bunker down and learn about the investments you’re planning on making. You have to know their history, who the major players are, what they’re trying to do, why they’re trying to do it, how likely they are to succeed, economic conditions and so much more. There’s a lot to know.

That’s why investing and day trading part time (with another full time job) is such a hard thing to do. You really want to eventually make this investing your full time job. You don’t want to just do it here and there like a hobby if you want to make any real money from it. And by real money, I’m talking six-plus figures. And that’s not even where the big boys play. The big boys play with stakes in the seven/eight-plus figure range.

That’s where the real fun happens. But you still have to know your stuff and be very careful. At that level, the slightest misstep could mean that you’re done for. And it’s really hard to recover from such devastating blows to your portfolio. But then again, even if you’re buying and selling stocks, bonds, metals and currency at a low level, a slight miscalculation or foolish move led by emotion can be devastating to your entire life and livelihood.

Learn more about precious metals here.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Where to Find Precious Metals

Wholesale Direct Metals
Precious metals are defined as any kind of naturally metallic element that has a high economic value. They are viewed as hidden treasures of the Earth and are being sought after by many collectors and investors alike.  Most of these metals are being stored in large storage vaults with Fort Knox being one of the most famous depositories of gold bullion in the world. So where exactly do these precious metals come from? For one thing, we all know that these things are mined and are processed afterwards, but are mines really the only place where you can find precious metals? Let us look a little further, shall we?

You Can Find Them Inside Your Mobile Phones

Well this is a bit of a surprise now, isn’t it? Mobile phones, the same ones that you carry with you wherever you go, actually have some precious metals in them. So I guess you can say that you have a portable depository of precious metals in the palm of your hand. Some of the metals that are used in cell phones include the likes of gold, silver, copper, and iridium.

Whenever people discard their old mobile phones, “urban miners” would try to scavenge whatever precious metals they can find inside them. With the way their prices have skyrocketed as of late, these urban miners can sell them off for a very good price.

Inside Your TV 

Old televisions, especially the letterbox models, have some precious metals in them. Even when you take your TV set apart, the precious metals in it are not going to be visible to the naked eye. Most HDMI cords and your old AV cords are gold plated so you might want to have those things examined before you think about throwing them away because you can still fetch a good price for these babies.

Seriously though, what can’t you purchase from the Internet these days? There are sites on the Internet that allow people to either purchase precious metals directly from their site or invest their money in them. Either way, you are still going to be in a win-win situation because the price of precious metals continues to skyrocket each year, especially gold. 

precious direct metals

But be sure to have enough, and I mean enough, money if you are planning to purchase precious metals of any kind online. Only those who have the deepest of pockets should purchase precious metals from the Internet. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of investment here and it is something that could either make or break you.

So as you can see, mines are not the only source of precious metals. A lot of them can actually be found in most of the stuff that we use on a daily basis. The very cell phone that you use to communicate with your friends and loved ones also happens to be a mini gold mine and the TV in your living room has more than a few precious metals in it as well. To learn more check out Wholesale Direct Metals

Hey There. I Like Metal

My name is James. I’m a not-so-savvy investor who trades stocks, bonds, commodities and more. I do have a day job, but I’m trying to become a day trader full time. I trade a lot of different things, and although I’m no expert, I do know a little bit about the various topics. I never really knew that buying metals was such a good game, though. I always thought stocks were where it’s at. Well, more on that later but for now…

I started this blog so I could basically just chronicle my exploits as an investor and share my experiences. I’m not really sure exactly what I’m going to share on this blog, because like I said I’m not exactly an investment guru. But I do try and make some money from this game. If you’re a new investor too, you may find this blog helpful. If nothing else maybe this blog can help you in knowing that you’re not alone out there in this intimidating world of investments.

 Either way I hope I can help some people out with my ramblings and musings.